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Junk foods and your health.


Think of those commercial products such as candy, bakery goods, ice cream, salty snacks and soft drinks. These foods have little or no nutritional value but have plenty of calories, salts, sugar and fats. Junk food is always high in calories, fats and sugar which add up and lead to weight gain. This excess weight can put a strain on the heart, joint, and other organs increasingtge risk of chronic diseases such as heart diseases, diabetes and other types of cancer. Some health effects of junk food are:-

1. Cardiovascular disease.
Junk food increased the risk of cardiovascular disease. Studies show that eating high amount of red meat and sugary treats may trigger inflammation, increase in risk of heart diseases and stroke. This can be controlled by eating diet rich in Vegetables, fruits and other anti-inflammatory foods and promote cardiovascular health.

2. High cholesterols
Foods which contains high amount of saturated fats can rise level of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol or bad cholesterol. Avoid or reduce intake of junk food to reduce your risk while creating a more favourable LDL to HDL ratio. High density lipoprotein ( HDL) are also known as good cholesterol helps to remove other types of cholesterol from your bloodstream.
3. Diabetes.
Considering that high calories and low nutrients break down quickly in the body which causes rapid rise of blood sugar level. Regularly eating junk foods leads to weight gain and excess body fat which are major risk factors for development of type 2 diabetes. Junk food also raise levels of triglycerides due to high trans and saturated fats. High level of triglycerides may increase risk of diabetes type 2.
4. Obesity.
Increased risk of obesity is due to consumption of energy-dense and nutrient-poor foods such as junk foods. Obesity has been declared as an epidemic irrespective to age, gender or ethnicity. It is also a major risk factor for heart diseases, respiratory problems, cancer and many other degenerative and chronic diseases. Being aware of adverse health effects of junk foods and poor diet styles will help you to avoid unhealthy weight gain and promote good health.


Junk foods has a number of harmful effects. Kidney damage, cancer and dental cavities are also due to excessive consumption of junk foods.
All in all, junk foods are also known as discretional foods or optional foods, is not required as a part of any diet. This doesn't mean that you would have to necessarily give up on all those delicious treats but you may only have it occasionally and in small amount. The bottom line is a balanced diet combined with other health habits will not only prevent or reduce risk of those chronic conditions but also promote overall good health.

OBK and aimlly have reacted to this post.

Mtu akishapata haya magonjwa je anaweza kupona ?

grace and aimlly have reacted to this post.

Hizo ni chronic diseases kupona ni nearly impossible, kimsingi prevention is better than cure.

OBK has reacted to this post.

Magonjwa mengi hapo Ni degenerative diseases ambayo yanatokea sababu ya visababishi endelevu mfano mtindo mbaya wa lishe ikiwemo kutumia hizo junk food kwa hyo hatuwezi kusema unapona lakini unahitaji kuzuia uwezekano wa kutokea sababu wanasema "usipotumia chakula kama dawa Basi itakulazimu kutumia dawa Kama chakula" let's change our dietic styles inorder to get healthy.

OBK and aimlly have reacted to this post.
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