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The "best way" to eat fruits

The Best way to eat fruits.
Fruits are the healthiest food for our bodies. They contain a vitamins and phytochemicals as well as nutrients and insoluble fibres.

But do you know the right way to consume fruits to get all these benefits?
Here are some.
1. Have some nuts (eg. ground nuts) or mix your fruits with a little margarine.
This is very important to aid absorption of fatty soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. These vitamins shall be wasted if there won't be even a little fat in the stomach with them.

2. Eat fruits as whole.
Fruits should be eaten as whole rather than juicing them. Why?
When you juice fruits, insoluble fibres, some vitamins and minerals are wasted. More over, juice travel to stomach, then digested and absorbed faster, this may cause spike in blood sugar level Whis is dangerous to diabetic people. Fibres (by consuming whole fruit) would make sugar absorption be done gradually causing maximum benefit.
3. Know your best time to eat fruits.
For maximum benefit, fruits should be consumed at the right time to ensure its maximum digestion and absorption.
In the morning (empty stomach) or in between meals. Do not eat fruits together or right after meals. To leave a gap of at least 30 minutes between fruits and normal meals is highly recommend.

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