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Try the 20-minute rule

Portion control involves managing the amount of food you consume during meals by selecting and measuring portions to regulate calorie intake. This practice can help individuals reach or maintain a healthy weight. The number of daily calories required for weight loss depends on various factors, such as age, weight, height, metabolism, gender, and physical activity levels. These calories provide energy for bodily functions like growth, movement, repair, and automatic processes like heartbeats.

The British Heart Foundation recommends a person wait 20 minutes before returning for a second portion of a meal. This can be an important part of portion control, as an individual may feel like they want or need more food when their body is actually still processing what they just ate.

Keep in mind that it can take a little while for the body to feel full after eating. This is why it can be important to wait for some time, such as 20 minutes, before continuing to eat more.

How long does the body take to eat full after eating?.....Is it that 20 minutes?

It takes a minimum of 20 minutes up to one hour, but according to a research done by Erma Levy, a research dietitian at MD Anderson  says “It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to send a signal to the stomach to let you know that you’re full. Overeating occurs when you continue to eat beyond this point of fullness,”

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